  • Desert Hills of New Mexico
  • Desert Hills of New Mexico
    is located at 5310 Sequoia Road NW Albuquerque, NM. 87120 and can be contacted by calling 505-836-7330. Desert Hills of New Mexico offers treatment services for Alcoholism, Prescription Drug Abuse and Illicit Drug Addiction

    Treatment Services Offered: Mental Balance Treatment Services, Outpatient Alcohol Treatment, Dual Diagnosis, Lesbian and Gay, Hearing Impaired Clients, Spanish Speaking
    Payment Options: Payment Assistance Through Medicaid, Insurance - Private Pay, Insurance - Military, Self Pay

  • Contact Us
  • Alcohol robs your brain cells of water and glucose (the brain's food), which is why you experience hangover symptoms such as headache, dehydration, and the shakes the day after a night of heavy drinking.
  • 318 binge drinking deaths took place in the US in 1995, and most of the people who died in these alcohol poisoning cases were from the age group of 15-24 years.
  • Adolescents are more likely than adults to take part in activities when they are too impaired to perform them competently, such as driving, and also are more likely to consume alcohol to the point of coma.
  • The risk of a person developing a maladaptive drinking problem that repeatedly causes life problems is more than doubled for persons who began drinking before the age of 14, as compared to those who began drinking at age 21.

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