Treatment Centers by City
- Albuquerque
- Santa Fe
- Espanola
- Farmington
- Las Cruces
- Taos
- Gallup
- Clovis
- Hobbs
- Las Vegas
- Rio Rancho
- Roswell
- Artesia
- Raton
- Carlsbad
- Crownpoint
- Cuba
- Portales
- Pueblo Of Acoma
- Questa
- Santa Rosa
- Santa Teresa
- Thoreau
- Tucumcari
- Alamogordo
- Algodones
- Belen
- Clayton
- Los Alamos
- Los Lunas
- Lovington
- Magdalena
- Mora
- Moriarty
- Pecos
- Pena Blanca
- Ruidoso
- Santa Clara
- Shiprock
- Silver City
- Socorro
- Na Nizhoozhi Center Inc
- Na Nizhoozhi Center Inc
is located at 2205 East Boyd Street Gallup, NM. 87301 and can be contacted by calling 505-863-3869. Na Nizhoozhi Center Inc offers treatment services for Alcoholism, Illicit Drug Addiction and Prescription Drug Abuse
Treatment Services Offered: Alcohol Detox, Women, Men, American Indian and Alaska Native Languages
Payment Options: Payment Help
- Contact Us
- In a study of more than 450 American alcoholics and 80 heroin addicts, it was found that an absent father is very common amongst those studied.
- CNMs (Caffeinated Alcoholic Beverages) are heavily marketed in youth-friendly media (e.g., on web sites with downloadable images) and with youth-oriented graphics and messaging (e.g., connected with extreme sports or other risk-taking behaviors).
- A study that was conducted by the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) has reported that for every single dollar that is spent on the treatment of alcoholism, seven health care dollars are saved.
- Three out of ten adults report that drinking has been a cause of trouble in their family.
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